Want to keep your apartment clean? Today on the Express Clean blog we bring you cleaning tricks you didn’t know. These cleaning tricks will leave your home sparkling clean and get rid of that dirt you thought you’d never be able to get rid of completely.
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cleaning tricks you didn't know.
Clean the glass with a sock!
The first cleaning trick is to use a sock. It is the same as with newspaper (but without the risk of leaving ink stains), after cleaning the glass, dry it with an old sock as it does not leave lint.
Removes wood stains with toothpaste
One of the personal hygiene products that have more uses at the domestic level. Put toothpaste on the stain and rub it with a cloth.
Remove grease stains with talcum powder
If you have a grease stain on a piece of clothing, sprinkle talcum powder on it. Leave it on for a day and then shake (don’t rub) and wash as usual.
“Restore” leather furniture with bitumen.
Make sure it is colorless. Where your sofa or armchair is more worn, put a little bitumen and let it act. After a few minutes, rub with a clean cloth to give it shine and remove excess grease.
Clean the mattress with baking soda
Another of the many uses of this natural product is to sprinkle baking soda on the mattress to clean it and remove any dust mites. Let it act for 3 hours and then vacuum.

cleaning tricks you didn't know.

Disinfect (well) the mixer or blender with white vinegar
We use this appliance every day. So, to prevent food bits and bacteria from wreaking havoc, we recommend using this cleaning trick. Pour a glass of water with a splash of dishwashing liquid and a splash of white vinegar. Whisk and rinse.
Remove rust stains with salt and lemon
Cut a lemon in two and impregnate one half with salt (it will turn it into a powerful natural sandpaper). Rub the item from which you want to remove the rust, and you will see how it disappears.
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