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How To Clean After The Holidays?

How To Clean After The Holidays?

The parties are over. The truth is that we deserved to spend some time with family and friends. But now that it’s all over, we have to clean up our home. For many, this requires a lot of work. And, one of the things customers ask us the most is: How To Clean After The Holidays? Follow these little tips that Cleaning Company Aurora has for you!

Waiting for guests to leave

Once your guests have left, then start by doing a deep cleaning of all the surfaces in your house. Make the most of the time and put all the sheets and bedding or curtains in the wash. Also take advantage of vacuuming carpets, floors, baseboards and all surfaces in your home. Check under the beds to see if your guests haven’t forgotten anything.

Christmas decorations

It is time to collect all the decorations! Go through each room. Use boxes to store all the ornaments or decorations. Identify the boxes. One recommendations from House Cleaning Aurora IL experts is to group each decoration according to its category and location. For example: “Bathroom Decorations” As you remove your decorations, clean them. Once you have collected everything, put it away. Thoroughly clean every corner of your home. Go through the rooms again to see if you have forgotten any items.

Apartment Cleaning Aurora IL experts use alcohol to clean the Christmas tree sap from clothing. Saturate the area with alcohol, let it sit for a minute. Then wash in warm water with a mild detergent, so all the sap on your scarves, cushions, footwear, etc. will be gone.

Clean bathrooms

Disinfect each bathroom. Clean or wash the floor. You must do a deep cleaning. Disinfect the showers, pots and sinks. Clean the doors and mirrors with vinegar. Wash carpets and towels. Finally, add an aromatizer to your bath.

Goodbye Christmas Tree

We can’t keep our tree all year round. If you have a Natural tree, then check out the recycling services in your community. The service will collect the tree and dispose of it accordingly. If you have a synthetic Christmas tree, wash it, dry it, and store it where it belongs.

The vacations may be over. However, we still have a few more weeks of winter in Aurora. So while we wait for the groundhog to see its shadow or not, prepare to keep your home clean. Place a shoe tray on your doorstep. There you can place your snow-soaked or water-soaked shoes. 

How To Clean After The Holidays Aurora Il