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First-aid Kit You Should Have In Your Airbnb

First-aid Kit You Should Have In Your Airbnb

As an Airbnb owner, the happiness and satisfaction of your customers has to be the most important thing. But for all that to happen, they must also feel safe in case of any accident that may occur inside the place. So, here we show you the first-aid kit you should have in your Airbnb and why it’s important.
Accidents happen at any time, either through negligence or because they just happen. That’s why it’s so important to have a first aid kit on hand. Many times it depends on them whether we survive or not.

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What should my first-aid kit have?
It is important to know how to perform emergency procedures. In order not to make mistakes in the event of an accident. This can lead to a worsening of the situation.
-2 packets of aspirin
-1 emergency blanket
-2 absorbent compress dressings
-25 adhesive bandages
-1 adhesive cloth tape
-2 pair of nonlatex gloves
First aid Kit You Could Have In Your Airbnb
First aid Kit You Must Have In Your Airbnb
-5 antibiotic ointment packets
-5 antiseptic wipe packets
-1 instant cold compress
-1 breathing barrier
These are the most important items your kit should contain.
All kits should also include a thermometer to check for fever. Fever is one of the indicators that someone is ill due to a virus or bacteria. It is very important to check the kit frequently to avoid expired medicines. If this happens, change them at that moment for new ones.
We must make sure that your guests know where is. The minutes it takes to search can be decisive. You can leave indications or place it preferably in a visible and dry place. Avoiding that the tweezers or scissors rust with humidity. It is important that you also add in the first aid kit a section with local emergency numbers. Along with the addresses, so that they can act quickly.